Heartbreaking tragedy struck a family in Dapodi, Pune, as three members lost their lives due to electrocution on Monday morning. The incident unfolded when Surendra Bhalekar, his wife Adika, and their son Prasad were all fatally shocked while trying to save each other from an electric current.
Surendra, who worked as a daily wage laborer, was putting his towel to dry after a bath when he accidentally came in contact with the current. Hearing his cries for help, his son Prasad rushed to his aid, followed by his wife Adika. Despite their efforts, all three succumbed to the electric shock.
The family, originally from Solapur, had been living in Dapodi for five years as tenants in a tin-sheet room owned by the Adsuls. The tragic accident occurred when the current from an electricity pole made contact with the tin sheet.
While Surendra, Adika, and Prasad tragically lost their lives, their daughter Vaishnavi, who was attending coaching classes at the time, narrowly escaped the same fate.
The community is in shock and mourning the loss of this hardworking and loving family. The local authorities, including MSEDCL employees and the police, responded promptly to the incident. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Bhalekar family during this difficult time.
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