Tragedy struck a family in Daund Taluka, Pune, as three members lost their lives in a devastating electric shock incident. Sunil Devidas Bhalekar, his wife Adika Sunil Bhalekar, and their teenage son Parashuram Sunil Bhalekar were all victims of the tragic accident. The incident occurred when Sunil was electrocuted while hanging towels outside their home. Adika tried to save him but also succumbed to the electric shock. Their son Parashuram rushed to help but unfortunately met the same fate.
The heartbreaking incident was caused by an exposed electric supply wire leading to their house, which had its protective covering blown off by the wind. This exposed wire allowed electricity to flow into their home, resulting in the fatal shocks.
The Bhalekar family, originally from Solapur, was well-known in the Dapodi-Kedgaon area for their work in the construction sector. Sunil and Adika had a daughter and two sons, with their surviving daughter being away at tuition class during the incident. Their second son was fortunately not present as he was visiting their native village at the time.
Authorities from the power company and local police have already visited the scene of the tragic incident to investigate further. The community is mourning the loss of this family and coming together to support each other during this difficult time.
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