Heartbreaking news out of Junnar today as a tragic road accident took the lives of three members of the same family. The incident occurred near the Sitewadi junction on the Ahilyanagar-Kalyan Highway, within the limits of Sitewadi village. The victims have been identified as Nilesh Dnyaneshwar Kute, Jayashree Nilesh Kute, and their daughter Sanvi Nilesh Kute, all residents of Pimpri Pendhar, Junnar.
The accident took place around 3 pm when Nilesh Kute was riding his bike towards Kalyan and was hit head-on by a car coming from the opposite direction. The collision resulted in the immediate deaths of Nilesh, Jayashree, and Sanvi Kute. The Otur Police Station of the Pune Rural Police Force is currently investigating the incident.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Kute family during this difficult time. Stay tuned for more updates on this tragic event.
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