In a heartbreaking incident that occurred on the night of July 26, 2024, a 15-year-old student in Pune tragically died by suicide by jumping from the 14th floor of his apartment building. The police investigation into the boy’s death revealed a disturbing level of premeditation, with a detailed plan found among his personal belongings.
The boy’s meticulous planning was uncovered by local authorities, with a notebook detailing his method and location for the intended act, including precise steps and sketches of his apartment layout. In addition to this, officers found papers written in a gaming code, reflecting the boy’s interests and possibly his emotional state.
The victim’s mother, an engineer, and his father, who works abroad, were reported to be living apart. The boy resided with his mother and younger brother, and his mother shared that he had developed an addiction to online gaming, spending entire days engrossed in these games and isolating himself in his room.
In the days leading up to the tragic incident, the boy had reportedly been playing with a knife related to his gaming activities. On the day before his death, he remained locked in his room throughout the day, only emerging at night for a meal. His mother was preoccupied with caring for his younger brother, who was ill with a fever at the time.
The community was alerted to the incident when a message was posted in the society’s WhatsApp group about a child falling from the building. The mother discovered her son missing from his room and found him in the parking lot, where he had succumbed to his injuries before emergency services could arrive.
This heartbreaking event has raised concerns within the community about monitoring and understanding the activities and emotional well-being of young people. The police have stressed the importance of vigilant oversight to prevent such tragic outcomes.
For anyone struggling or in need of support, helplines are available in various cities across India. This case serves as a reminder of the importance of parental vigilance and awareness regarding children’s mental health and online behaviors.
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