Tragedy struck a family from Pune as they were on their way to the Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, with an accident claiming the lives of three members and leaving one critically injured. The victims, identified as Vinod Patel, his wife Shilpa Patel, and his sister-in-law Neeru Patel, were traveling in an Innova when the vehicle lost control and crashed into a culvert wall near Kaladehi in Jabalpur district.

The family was rushed to Jabalpur Medical College, but unfortunately, Vinod, Shilpa, and Neeru did not survive their injuries. Vinod’s brother, Naresh Patel, is currently undergoing treatment for critical injuries sustained in the accident.

Authorities are investigating the cause of the crash, but initial reports suggest that the driver may have lost control of the vehicle. The bodies have been sent for post-mortem examinations, and the family’s relatives in Pune have been informed of the tragic incident.

Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the victims during this difficult time. Stay tuned for updates as the investigation unfolds.

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