In a shocking incident in Pune, a gang of dacoits targeted three individuals in Aundh, leaving two of them seriously injured. The attack took place in the early hours of Thursday, right in front of Purvi Mobile Shoppee.

According to the police, the victims have been rushed to a private hospital and are currently in critical condition. The injured individuals have been identified as Ramsobatikumar Thakku Mandal and Samir Roy Chawdhary, both residents of Aundh.

The incident was reported by Shreyas Satish Shetty, who was on his way to work when he was stopped by the dacoits. Despite claiming to have no money, the gang forcefully searched his pockets and attacked him with a rod when he resisted. The dacoits then targeted another person at Mangalam Construction before fleeing the scene.

The police have registered a case against the unidentified culprits and are currently investigating the matter. The authorities, including Addl CP Manoj Patil and DCP Vijaykumar Magar, have visited the site to gather more information.

The residents of Aundh are shocked by this brazen attack and are hoping for a swift resolution to ensure the safety of the community.

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