The incident in Maharshinagar area of Gultekdi left residents in shock as a minor went on a rampage, vandalizing nearly a dozen vehicles parked in front of Crescent High School. The young boy, in an inebriated state, confessed to the act and cited taunts from neighbors about his unemployment as the reason behind his destructive behavior.
The noise of breaking windows and damaged vehicles woke up locals in the early hours of Wednesday morning, prompting them to alert the Swargate police station. The authorities quickly arrived at the scene and apprehended the youth responsible for the vandalism.
Upon questioning, the minor admitted that he had been drinking heavily the night before due to the constant teasing he faced from his neighbors. Fueled by anger and alcohol, he took out his frustrations on the parked cars and two-wheelers, causing significant damage.
The incident serves as a reminder of the impact of mental health and societal pressures on young individuals. It also highlights the importance of addressing unemployment and providing support to those in need of assistance.
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