Hey everyone, exciting news coming out of New Delhi and Pune today! Union Minister of State Muralidhar Mohol and Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav had a productive meeting discussing various pending issues of the Pune Railway Division and its surrounding areas. One of the key topics on the agenda was the long-awaited launch of the Vande Bharat Express from Pune.

It seems like there have been several railway-related issues in Pune and Western Maharashtra that have been stuck in limbo for quite some time. But fear not, Minister Mohol is on the case and is determined to get things moving. With the positive response from Railway Minister Vaishnav, it looks like these issues might finally see some resolution soon.

According to Minister Mohol, the meeting covered a range of topics including the Pune-Delhi Vande Bharat Sleeper Train, the expansion of the Pune-Lonavala railway route, Pune-Ahilyanagar railway connectivity, renovation plans for Pune railway station, and the new terminal at Uruli Kanchan. Vaishnav not only provided detailed information on these issues but also discussed the action plan moving forward.

And that’s not all – in a recent speech in the Lok Sabha, Railway Minister Vaishnav announced the upcoming launch of the Vande Bharat Metro service, which will connect major cities across the country. This has sparked discussions about potentially extending the Vande Bharat Metro service to connect Pune with Nashik, Mumbai, Solapur, and Nagpur. Exciting times ahead for railway connectivity in the region!

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