The UPSC has recently uncovered a scandal involving a candidate from the Civil Services Examination-2022. Puja Manorama Dilip Khedkar has been accused of manipulating her identity to gain an unfair advantage in the exam. By altering various personal details, Khedkar exceeded the permissible number of examination attempts.
The UPSC has taken swift action in response to these allegations. They have filed an FIR with the police and issued a Show Cause Notice to Khedkar regarding the cancellation of her candidature. Additionally, the UPSC is considering debarment from future examinations and selections.
In a statement, the UPSC emphasized their commitment to upholding integrity and fairness in their examination processes. They stated that they are dedicated to preserving the trust and credibility they have earned from the public and candidates.
This scandal serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining the highest standards of integrity in competitive exams. The UPSC’s actions in this case demonstrate their dedication to upholding these standards and ensuring a level playing field for all candidates.
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