The villagers of Uruli Kanchan are fed up with political speeches during the Dashkriya ritual, a solemn occasion that marks the tenth day after a person’s death. Banners have been put up in the crematorium area calling for an end to this practice, as the villagers feel that the ritual should be a time of sorrow and homage, not a platform for political grandstanding.

The discontent among the villagers is palpable, with many questioning whether the Dashkriya ritual has lost its true meaning and become a mere political gathering. Across rural areas nationwide, similar sentiments are echoed, as political leaders often overshadow the grieving family with lengthy and sometimes irrelevant speeches.

Alankar Kanchan, a member of the District Planning Committee, has spoken out against the excessive speeches during these rituals, noting that they often lack sincerity and fail to address the family’s needs. He praised the initiative of those who put up the banners, reflecting the community’s weariness with the political rhetoric that has infiltrated these sacred events.

The villagers of Uruli Kanchan are calling for a return to the true purpose of the Dashkriya ritual – a time to mourn and pay respects to the departed, free from political agendas and emotional manipulation. It remains to be seen whether their demands will be heeded by the political leaders who have made these rituals more about themselves than the grieving families they are meant to comfort.

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