In a surprising turn of events, Valmik Karad, the main suspect in the murder of Sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh, surrendered at the CID headquarters in Pune today around noon. The incident has left many questioning the circumstances surrounding his surrender, especially with over 200 supporters gathered outside the office at the same time.

Despite evading arrest for three weeks, Karad arrived at the CID office in an SUV with a large crowd in tow. DIG Sarang Awad confirmed that Karad surrendered willingly and was taken into custody by the CID team. He was later handed over to Deputy Superintendent Anil Guzar for further investigation.

The sudden surrender has raised speculation and criticism, with some suggesting political pressure may have influenced the case. Rumors of Karad’s surrender had been circulating for days, but the CID seemed unprepared for the large group of supporters outside their headquarters.

Critics are questioning how Karad managed to avoid arrest for so long, especially in such a high-profile case. The presence of a large crowd at the surrender scene has only fueled suspicions of political interference.

As the CID delves into Karad’s alleged involvement in the case, the focus now shifts to uncovering the truth behind his surrender. Whether political influence played a role or if this was a strategic move by the accused is yet to be determined.

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