The Pune Kalyani Nagar Porsche incident continues to make headlines as new details come to light. The manager and owner of the pub where the minor accused of causing the fatal accident allegedly consumed alcohol have been booked. In a shocking twist, two doctors and a peon from Sassoon Hospital have been arrested for tampering with the blood sample.

Political accusations have also entered the fray, with VBA Chief Adv Prakash Ambedkar pointing fingers at various politicians, including NCP leader Ajit Pawar and Wadgaon Sheri MLA Sunil Tingare. Other politicians like Kasba Peth MLA Ravindra Dhangekar and Mumbra MLA Jitendra Awhad have also criticized Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar in connection to the incident.

Ambedkar has called for a thorough investigation into the minor’s connections and the circumstances surrounding the accident. He emphasized the need for stricter punishment for minors involved in serious crimes to deter such incidents in the future. The media has been closely following the case, urging the court to take the matter seriously and deliver justice.

In response, Ambedkar proposed stringent regulations for pubs, bars, and clubs in Maharashtra, advocating for a ban on individuals under 18 years of age and harsh penalties for establishments that violate the rule. He suggested a fine of Rs 10 lakh and a three-year imprisonment for offenders, along with the revocation of their licenses.

As the investigation unfolds, the public eagerly awaits further developments in this tragic and controversial case.

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