The vendors at Pune Railway Station have been left fuming after Pune City police allegedly shut down their shops and resorted to violence to enforce a closure time that goes against their contract. According to the vendors, more than ten shops were forcibly closed, leading to significant financial losses and a drop in staff morale. Despite reaching out to railway officials about the issue, they have yet to receive a response from the police.

In response, railway officials have emphasized the importance of the station, which sees a high volume of passengers daily. They have stressed that the vendors are authorized to operate 24/7 to meet passenger needs, as per Ministry of Railways guidelines. The vendors are concerned that the police actions could lead to them abandoning their contracts prematurely, resulting in a lack of amenities for passengers and potential revenue loss for the government.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (Zone 2) Smartna Patil has denied knowledge of the situation and assured vendors with licenses that they will not face any obstruction. However, the vendors are urging for a prompt resolution to prevent further disruptions and financial damages.

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