The Jagatguru Sant Tukaram Maharaj Palkhi Ceremony procession faced a roadblock in Uruli Kanchan, causing a stir among the villagers. The Uruli Kanchan Police have taken action against more than 20 individuals, including the Sarpanch, for obstructing the ceremony.
Constable Rajkumar Bhise of the Uruli Kanchan Police Station reported the incident. The names in the case include prominent figures such as Sarpanch Amit Kanchan, Former Sarpanch Bhausaheb Kanchan, and several other office bearers and villagers from Uruli Kanchan.
The procession was on its way to Pandharpur from Alandi and Dehu when it was disrupted in Uruli Kanchan. The villagers had prepared a pavilion at Mahatma Gandhi School for the Warkaris’ rest stop, but the route was changed this year to Uruli Kanchan Phata, sparking outrage among the locals.
The sudden deviation led to a clash between the villagers and the procession, resulting in chaos and the involvement of the Pune District Administration. As a result, a case has been registered against the individuals responsible for the obstruction, causing tension in the community.
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