Viman Nagar, a bustling locality in Pune, has been at the center of attention recently due to the efforts of Qaneez Sukhrani, the Convenor of the Viman Nagar Citizens Forum. Sukhrani, in a recent letter dated January 3, has highlighted several pressing issues related to the civil road at Pune Airport, urging the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and Airport Authority of India (AAI) to take immediate action.
In her strongly worded letter, Sukhrani raised concerns about security risks, safety hazards, and administrative lapses that have been overlooked by both PMC and AAI. She specifically pointed out issues such as litter and cleanliness along the road, mismanagement of baggage trolleys, operation of illegal stalls near the terminal exit, traffic violations, and negligence of security personnel.
Sukhrani expressed her disappointment with the lack of maintenance and enforcement of rules on the civil road, which has been causing inconvenience and safety hazards for residents of Viman Nagar. She demanded accountability from both PMC and AAI, urging them to address the listed issues and provide feedback on the measures being taken to resolve them.
The Viman Nagar Citizens Forum has been actively seeking solutions to these problems, and Sukhrani’s efforts have brought these issues to the forefront of public discourse. Residents are hopeful that the authorities will take swift action to ensure the safety and well-being of everyone in the area.
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