The Bibvewadi area of Pune was rocked by violence on the evening of 7th January 2025. What started as a heated argument between two groups of youths quickly turned into a violent altercation. One person, Gaurav Rajesh Markad, ended up seriously injured after being attacked with a Koyta, a type of chopper.

The incident took place at Shivtej Krida Sangh Chowk, where the accused, Saksham Bagade and Sagar Saroj, had invited Gaurav and his friend under the guise of resolving a previous dispute. However, things took a turn for the worse when the accused pulled out the weapon and assaulted Gaurav and his friend, causing severe injuries.

Thankfully, the Bibvewadi Police Station swiftly responded to the situation, with Police Inspector Manoj Kumar Londhe taking charge of the investigation. The accused initially fled the scene, but thanks to the efforts of the police, they were eventually apprehended.

The incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of escalating conflicts and resorting to violence. It is essential for individuals to find peaceful resolutions to disputes and disagreements, rather than resorting to aggression and harm. The swift action taken by the police in this case highlights the importance of law enforcement in maintaining peace and order in our communities.

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