The recent violent clash between students near MIT Corner in Loni Kalbhor has left the community on edge. On Monday afternoon, a group of students from MIT College got into a heated argument in the canteen, which quickly turned physical. The altercation spilled onto the road near East Haven Society, where three individuals were assaulted with sticks and stones, their clothes torn in the process. The entire incident was caught on CCTV and spread like wildfire on social media.
The police were quick to intervene and identify the students involved. Instead of filing a case that could affect their academic careers, the authorities chose to release them with a warning. This decision has sparked debate among residents and students about the safety of the area.
Loni Kalbhor, known for its educational institutions, is home to thousands of students who live in various accommodations. While disagreements among students are not uncommon, the recent spike in violent incidents has caused concern. It’s important for both the authorities and the community to come together to address these issues and ensure the safety of everyone in the area.
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