The recent dismantling of the skywalk at Mukundrao Ambedkar Chowk in Vishrantwadi has sparked outrage and criticism towards the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). The skywalk, which cost Rs 5 crore to build, was taken down to make way for a new flyover and grade separator, leading to accusations of wastage of taxpayers’ money.
Civic activist Shashikant Satote expressed concern over the PMC’s shift from the build-operate-transfer principle to what he called the build-operate-tear down principle. He criticized the poor planning and administration that led to the dismantling of the skywalk, which was plagued by maintenance issues and lack of public consultation.
MLA Sunil Tingre is now spearheading efforts to construct a grade separator on Alandi Road and a flyover from Alandi Road to Airport Road. The removal of the skywalk was necessary to facilitate this construction, with a portion of the dismantled skywalk set to be relocated to Pratik Nagar corner on Alandi Road.
However, residents are skeptical about the effectiveness of these pedestrian bridges, citing other underutilized projects like the subway and pedestrian bridge in Indira Nagar. Despite significant investments, citizens continue to risk their lives by crossing busy roads illegally.
The challenges faced by residents extend to other areas like Viman Nagar Chowk, where a pedestrian walkway with 72 steps has proven difficult for senior citizens and women to use. These issues highlight the importance of better public consultation and more efficient project management to ensure that taxpayer money is used wisely and for the benefit of the community.
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