The race for Pune’s next Guardian Minister is getting intense as two key figures, Ajit Pawar and Chandrakant Patil, are emerging as potential candidates. The Guardian Minister plays a crucial role in overseeing government schemes and development projects in the district.
Chandrakant Patil, the Kothrud MLA, previously served as Pune’s Guardian Minister and made significant contributions to the district’s educational and infrastructural development. On the other hand, Ajit Pawar, the Deputy Chief Minister, has also held the position and has a strong influence in both state governance and Pune’s local politics.
Both Patil and Pawar have secured easy victories in their constituencies, sparking debates about who will be appointed as Pune’s next Guardian Minister. While Patil remained evasive when questioned about the position, Pawar’s political rise and multiple state-level positions may work in his favor.
The final decision regarding the Guardian Minister role is expected before the Winter Session of the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly on December 16. The upcoming ministry allocations will likely provide clarity on who will take on this crucial position in Pune.
With the race heating up and both candidates having significant political backing, the political community is eagerly awaiting to see who will be entrusted with the responsibility of being Pune’s next Guardian Minister.
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