Hey folks, big news coming out of Pune today! Yogita Bhosale has just been promoted to the prestigious position of Municipal Secretary, making history as the first full-time woman to hold this role at the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC). The position had been vacant for a whopping four years, ever since Sunil Parkhi retired back in 2020.
The Municipal Secretary plays a crucial role in the functioning of the PMC, and the position is typically filled through internal promotions within the department. After Parkhi’s retirement, Labor Welfare Officer Shivaji Daundkar took over temporarily before passing the torch to Protocol Officer Yogita Bhosale, who has been holding down the fort ever since.
The recruitment process to permanently fill the vacancy kicked off in 2021, with 29 municipal officers vying for the role that requires a law degree among other qualifications. Despite conducting interviews, none of the candidates met the eligibility criteria, leading to the recruitment process being scrapped. Eventually, the Divisional Promotion Committee made the decision to promote Bhosale, recognizing her hard work and leadership during her time as in-charge.
Despite facing political challenges within the office, Bhosale has been praised for her strict adherence to rules and regulations. Here’s to hoping she continues to excel in her new role as Municipal Secretary!
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